Thursday, January 10, 2013


Hello fellow archaeologists! Welcome to my blog. Though I'm sure many people were dreading this portion of the class, I hoo-rah-ed at the opportunity to get a little creative and share my thoughts and experiences within the world of archaeology with the rest of you!

Although I've already done the intro post for this class, what better way to begin a blog by introducing yourself further! I'm Arielle! I am still fairly new to the island and to UVic, as I moved here from Calgary (yes, I'm a prairie gal) just last summer for school and love. I began my Anthropology degree at UofC, focussing mainly on primatology, but after diving deeper into archaeology and particularly, faunal analysis, I was swayed! Currently, I live with my partner and my puppy in a house with a great big garden and shelves dedicated to my bone collection. Most of my days are spent playing with the dog (year and a half pup), going on hikes, and finding forest treasures. I also love to knit and make art and costumes for summer festivals.

As for an academic future.. I'd love to continue on to grad school but who knows where I'll go. My main focus and love is in faunal analysis, so really, all I want is a lab where people send me bones and I get to hang out with them all day, getting cabin fever, trying to solve the mystery that are bone fragments. That's the dream.

This class was irresistible to me for many different reasons.. First, because human bones actually freak me out a little, and I think taking a class in which I have to stare at them a lot is a good way to move past that. Second, prehistoric ceremonial practices intrigue me and I think there is a lot more to these ancient people than we give credit. Archaeology can be a frustrating field, because really, how do we ever know anything? We can never ask.. We must infer. This freedom of interpretation is inviting to me and I hope to get great feedback on my own hypothesis through this blog!

Thanks for reading all of this! I hope to meet you all soon and can't wait to creep on all of your blogs too.

--Arielle HB

Here I am on a bone-hunt. SUCCESS! This was a deer skeleton in good old Alberta.

Here is one of the first skulls I ever found.. Decorated with dried leaves and flowers.

This is my puppy Piko. She also goes by Piko-chu, Pikomonster, Piko-de-Mayo, and Machu-Piko.

These are my two favourite creatures. My partner and my pup on a hike!

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